Join us 10-11 June 2025!

About the Speaker

John Kristoff | Principal Threat Intelligence Analyst


DDoS Attack Mitigation in Practice and Theory

In this session, John Kristoff from NETSCOUT ASERT will summarize some of the technical and non-technical responses taken to DDoS attacks. John will discuss the key functionality of DDoS mitigation products, briefly describing the sorts of things they can do and who they are for, while also mentioning how the collective community is often key to doing various types of coordination activity for take down or law enforcement response.

John KristoffJohn is the co-chair of the FIRST NETSEC-SIG, a co-founder of, a PhD candidate in computer science at the University of Illinois Chicago, an adjunct faculty member at DePaul University, an ICANN Research Fellow, and a NETSCOUT Principal Analyst.


FiRSTThe NETSEC SIG is a new special interest group under the umbrella of the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams ( The SIG aims to advance the deployment of network security best common practices, help coordinate inter-network mitigation, and foster information sharing between autonomous systems.

About is a US-based federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit that helps provide the Internet’s network and security communities with data, tools, and analysis.